# RELE.AI Server Instance

The RBS provides a full gRPC wrapper that simplifies the interactions with RELE.AI.

// create a new instance of the RB Server
const rbs = new RBS(conf)

# Configurations

Parameter Type Required Default Description
appId string Yes N/A Internal application ID - can be recieved by contacting support@rele.ai
appHash string Yes N/A Internal application Hash - can be recieved by contacting support@rele.ai
middlewares object.<string, Function> No {authorizedRequest} Set of middlewares that will be executed prior to the callback
grpc grpcSettings No See grpcSettings for more information gRPC internal server settings. Read more here (opens new window)

# gRPC Settings


(property) grpc: {
    serverInit: {
        "grpc.max_receive_message_length": number;
        "grpc.max_send_message_length": number;
    creds: grpc.ServerCredentials;


grpc: {
    serverInit: {
        "grpc.max_receive_message_length": 30000000,
        "grpc.max_send_message_length": 30000000
    creds: grpc.ServerCredentials.createInsecure(),

# Methods

# Register Operation

registerOperation(operationKey, callback)

Params: - operationKey: String - callback: Function

Registers a new handler under the operation key name with the given callback.

// import the rb-server to the code
const { RBS } = require("@releai/rb-node-sdk")
const router = new RBS.Router()

// initiate the application
const rbs = new RBS({
    appId: process.env.APP_ID,
    appHash: process.env.APP_HASH

// register the hello_world operation
router.use("hello_world", (req, res) => {
    res.send(200, { message: "Hello World!" })

// use exported router

// initiate the listener

# Use


Params: - handlers: Object

Registers multiple new handlers from a given object


router.use("hello_world", (req, res) => {
    res.send(200, { message: "Hello World!" })


const handlers = require("./handlers")


# Listen

listen(port, host="")

Params: - port: Number - host: String

Initiate the listener on the provided host:port

rbs.listen(8080, "")