# Development

A set of commands is available in the rb CLI tool to help ease and manage the development processes.

# rb create

Create a new RELE.AI integration project from an existing template. Open source templates are available in RELE.AI's GitHub account (opens new window).


Create your own templates to faster developer future integrations. To build a custom template, follow this guide.


# Examples

# create a project from github repository
rb create hello-world -t rele-ai/hello-world-integration-template#main

# create a project from local repository
rb create . -t ~/devel/releai/hello-world-integration-template/

# Arguments

  PATH  Project location path

# Options

  -c, --clone              Use git clone
  -t, --template=template  (required) Path to a git repository with the template

# Inherited options

    --help, -h      Show help for command

# rb deploy:user

The deploy command pushes the given version to all the users identified by the emails. The command calls rb apply and rb workflow activate.

All yaml files under the configs folder in your rb project ($RB_PROJECT_PATH/configs/*.yaml) are the configurations files that will be deployed.


rb deploy:user gives access only to provided users. To give access to all users under your organization, please check rb deploy:org.

rb deploy:user [EMAILS] -v [VERSION]


rb deploy:user calls a required deployment script (~/scripts/deploy.sh) that should push the integration to an accessiable domain.

# Examples

# deploy to your user the latest version
rb deploy:user

# deploy to the latest version on a specific user
rb deploy:user foo@bar.com

# deploy a specific version (based on git versioning)
rb deploy:user -v "0.1.0"

# Arguments

  EMAILS  User's emails separated by comma.

# Options

  -v, Version to upload

# rb deploy:org

The deploy command pushes the given version to all the users under your organization. The command calls rb apply and rb workflow activate.

All yaml files under the configs folder in your rb project ($RB_PROJECT_PATH/configs/*.yaml) are the configurations files that will be deployed.

rb deploy:org -v [VERSION]


rb deploy:org calls a required deployment script (~/scripts/deploy.sh) that should push the integration to an accessiable domain.

# Examples

# deploy to the latest version
rb deploy:org

# deploy a specific version (based on git versioning)
rb deploy:org -v "0.1.0"

# Options

  -v, Version to upload

# rb logs

Retrieve all the logs that are relevant for the project and the organization.

rb logs [--tail,-t]

# Examples

# print to stdout all available logs
rb logs

# tail project logs
rb logs -t

# save logs to out file
rb logs >> logs.txt

# Options

  -t, --tail  Tail the project/org logs

# Inherited options

    --help, -h      Show help for command

# rb version

Lists all versions related to the user's credentials.

# Examples

# list version
rb versions

# Inherited options

    --help, -h      Show help for command