# Translations

A Translations describes a translation for a particular key.

# Creating a Translations

The following is a full example of an Translations config.

# define the type of the config to AppAction
# in order to describe handlers within your app
type: Translation

# key that identifies the translation
key: invalid_input

# translation language
lang: en

# translation value by lang
value: I'm sorry, but I don't understand what to do.


To pull the value of spesific translation into payload object, the data in the payload must match the key in the translation.
In addition, the type in payload object should be equal to get_by_lang.

# Attribtues

Attribute Name Type Description
type string Define the configurations type. Full list of support types can be found here
key string A config identifier - must includes only a-b or 0-9 or _
lang string Translation language
value string Translation value